Mark and Maki Wolter
Kyoto, Japan
(2000 - present)

Our Ministry with JEMS
We are the Wolter family from Kyoto, Japan. Maki and I are happy to partner with you as we labor to spread the good news of Christ in Japan. We have already been missionaries in Japan for many years, but we are eager to begin a new chapter in our calling to equip more Japanese to be disciples and laborers for Christ to their own people.
It has been on my heart (Mark) for a long time now to move towards more personal discipleship as well as more pastoral leadership in order to raise up more leaders for the future. After finishing online seminary in 2022, I moved into a pastoral role at a young church plant called The Gospel Center. Maki and I work together to share the gospel, welcome friends into our home, and disciple new Christians. Mark also works to raise up foundations for future Christian leaders through a growing bilingual international Christian school, KIUA.
70% of the students who attend our school are not from Christian families so we have many opportunities to share the gospel and see kids come to trust in Christ! Maki and I love to have friends and family into our home in order to personally share the love of Christ with them in practical and relational ways.
Please pray for our children and home-based ministries also. We are praying for you!
Your Partnership is Essential to our Work!
Since Japan is less than 1% Christian, we need prayerful and generous teammates to support our ministry as we step out in faith. Our need for financial support is essential as our ministries grow and our reach extends to more people who need the gospel! Thank you in advance for your important part in helping reach Japan for Christ!
Please prayerfully consider joining our monthly team at $50- $100. Thanks again for all you do! We could not do it without you.
Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write our name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047. If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email Mark.